You will hear a recorded message about an arts festival.

1 The festival takes place from
A 12 to 8 May. B 2 to 20 May. C 12 to 28 May.

2 What is on at the Theatre Royal on 19 May?
A jazz B opera C classical music

3 During lunchtime jazz concerts at the Corn Exchange they sell
A soft drinks and sandwiches.   B wine and sandwiches.   C soft drinks and light meals.

4 What is on at the cathedral?
A music B poetry C films

5 What does the festival programme offer at Ickworth?
A a walk and a book reading    B a concert and a meal   C a walk and a concert

6 You can’t use a credit card if you book
A by post. B by fax. C by telephone.

Audio script

Message: This is the Arts Festival Box Office. There is no one here to take your call, but do not hang up, as further information follows.
The Festival begins on the 12th of May and continues to the 28th. There are things happening in several parts of the town itself, and outside it.
At the Theatre Royal, there will be a series of concerts, starting with jazz singer Elaine Delmar on the 12th of May. George Melly brings his own special kind of jazz and fun to the theatre on the 13th of May. On Thursday the 19th of May, there is the opera Faust. For classical music fans, the Brodsky String Quartet appear on the 23rd of May.
There are also concerts at the Corn Exchange. For people who prefer dance music, we have the London All Stars Steel Band on Sunday the 15th of May. On Thursday the 19th of May we welcome back the Viennese Gala Orchestra, who are regular performers at the Festival. Finally, also at the Com Exchange, there will be a series of jazz concerts each Friday at 1 o’clock. During these lunch-time concerts a bar will be open for the sale of wine and we are offering free soft drinks. Sandwiches will also be on sale. Light meals can be bought in the restaurant afterwards.
There are various other musical performances in the cathedral, and poetry readings in one of the town’s churches. The Film Society has arranged to show a film of Mozart's opera Oon Giovanni at the theatre. Our programme has full details.
lckworth House, just outside me town, is joining in the Festival as usual. There is a guided walk around Ickworth Park on Sunday the 15th, which will last about two and a half hours. Also, on the 19th oT May, we have a special concert of piano music, given by Oliver Davies in the beautiful lckworth Library. The price of tickets includes coffee and biscuits and you are advised to book early, as this is always especially popular.
For more information. send for our Festival programme or visit the Box Office from 10.00 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, or 12.00 to 8 p.m. on Saturdays. Bookings can be made in person (cash, cheque or credit card), by post (cheques only), or by telephone (credit cards only). We also accept credit card bookings by fax, on 0284 706035. For these bookings, you must use our booking form.
Thank you for calling.




1 C
2 B
3 B
4 A
5 C
6 A

Vocabulary, Reading and Grammar Exercises about AI and E. Woodii


Reading Passage

AI Technology Seeks Mate for 'World's Loneliest Plant

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to find a partner for an endangered male plant called Encephalartos woodii (E. woodii). The University of Southampton is leading this research project. The team is searching thousands of acres of forest in South Africa, where the only known E. woodii was found. All existing E. woodii plants are male clones and cannot reproduce naturally. This ancient species is very old and existed even before dinosaurs.

Dr. Laura Cinti, from the University of Southampton, is leading the project. She is using drones and AI to look for a female E. woodii. She believes there might still be a female plant somewhere in the forest. Finding a female would help the species reproduce naturally.

The only known E. woodii was discovered in 1895 in the Ngoye Forest. The team is using drones to capture images of the forest. So far, they have explored less than 2% of the 10,000-acre area. AI is analyzing these images to find plants that look like E. woodii. The forest has never been fully explored to see if a female plant exists.

E. woodii is still grown at the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew, in London, where it is called the "world's loneliest plant."

Vocabulary Exercises

1. Match the words with their meanings:

   a. Endangered

   b. Species

   c. Clone

   d. Reproduce

   e. Drone

   i. To produce young plants, animals, etc.

   ii. A type of plant or animal

   iii. A machine that flies without a human pilot

   iv. Very rare and in danger of disappearing

   v. An exact copy of something

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list: [forest, AI, project, ancient, discovered]

   a. The _______ is located in South Africa.

   b. _______ is helping scientists find the world's loneliest plant a partner.

   c. This _______ species existed before the dinosaurs.

   d. The research _______ is led by Dr. Laura Cinti.

   e. The only known E. woodii was _______ in 1895.

Reading Comprehension Questions

1. What is the goal of the AI project led by the University of Southampton?

   a. To create new types of plants

   b. To find a female partner for the world's loneliest plant

   c. To study the forest ecosystem

2. Where was the only known E. woodii found?

   a. Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew

   b. University of Southampton

   c. Ngoye Forest in South Africa

3. Why can the current E. woodii plants not reproduce naturally?

   a. They are all female

   b. They are all male clones

   c. They are too old

4. What technology is being used to search for the female E. woodii?

   a. Satellites

   b. Drones and AI

   c. Submarines

5. How much of the forest area has been explored so far?

   a. More than 50%

   b. Less than 2%

   c. 100%

Grammar Exercises

1. Choose the correct form of the verb:

   a. AI _______ (is/are) being used in the hunt for the world's loneliest plant.

   b. The team _______ (is/are) searching thousands of acres of forest.

   c. Dr. Laura Cinti _______ (lead/leads) the project.

   d. The project _______ (use/uses) drones and AI.

   e. The forest _______ (has/have) never been fully explored.

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: [in, for, by, with, of]

   a. AI is being used _______ the hunt _______ an endangered plant.

   b. The team is searching thousands _______ acres of forest.

   c. The project is led _______ the University of Southampton.

   d. The forest is located _______ South Africa.

   e. Drones are capturing images _______ the forest.

Check your Answers

Vocabulary Exercise Answers

1. a-iv, b-ii, c-v, d-i, e-iii

2. a. forest, b. AI, c. ancient, d. project, e. discovered

Reading Comprehension Answers

1. b. To find a female partner for the world's loneliest plant

2. c. Ngoye Forest in South Africa

3. b. They are all male clones

4. b. Drones and AI

5. b. Less than 2%

Grammar Exercise Answers

1. a. is, b. is, c. leads, d. uses, e. has

2. a. in, for, b. of, c. by, d. in, e. of

Vocabulary, Reading and Grammar Exercises about Kabosu


Farewell to Kabosu: The Iconic Dog Behind the Doge Meme

In a heartfelt announcement on Friday, Kabosu's owner revealed the passing of the beloved Japanese Shiba Inu, who captured the hearts of millions as the face of countless "doge" memes. Atsuko Sato, a kindergarten teacher based in Sakura, shared that Kabosu peacefully fell into eternal slumber at the venerable age of 18. With birds chirping outside on a serene morning, Kabosu departed, leaving behind a legacy of joy and laughter. Sato reminisced, "I think she was the happiest dog in the world."

Kabosu's journey to internet stardom began in 2010 when a charming photo of her, featuring folded paws and a curious expression, circulated widely on forums like Reddit. This image sparked an avalanche of "doge" memes, characterized by intentional misspellings and Kabosu's endearing visage superimposed onto various objects and creatures. The phenomenon reached its zenith in December 2013 when Kabosu became the mascot of Dogecoin, a playful cryptocurrency inspired by the internet's fascination with animal-themed memes.

The widespread popularity of "doge" memes and Dogecoin garnered attention from notable figures like Elon Musk, who conducted Twitter polls to gauge public interest in the cryptocurrency. During the cryptocurrency boom of 2021, Dogecoin experienced unprecedented demand, briefly overwhelming trading platforms like Robinhood. Despite its origins as a lighthearted joke, Dogecoin amassed a dedicated following worldwide, with Kabosu serving as the emblem of its community.

Reflecting on Kabosu's enduring influence, a post on Dogecoin's official page hailed her as the community's muse, emphasizing the indelible impact of one remarkable dog. Sato had previously shared Kabosu's health struggles, disclosing her battle with leukemia and liver disease through Instagram posts in 2022. As a final tribute to her beloved companion, Sato intends to host a "farewell gathering" to honor Kabosu's memory and the joy she brought to countless lives.

Through Kabosu's journey from humble beginnings to global recognition, her legacy remains a testament to the power of joy, laughter, and the enduring bond between humans and their cherished animal companions.

Vocabulary Exercise:

Choose the word that best fits the given definition:

1. Kabosu's owner shared a _______ announcement about her passing.

A. heartfelt

B. exuberant

C. somber

D. indifferent

2. Kabosu's image sparked a _______ of "doge" memes.

A. flurry

B. plethora

C. scarcity

 D. drought

3. The widespread acclaim of "doge" memes and Dogecoin _______ attention from notable figures.

A. garnered

B. dispersed

C. scattered

D. segregated

4. Kabosu was a beloved _______ in the hearts of many.

A. celebrity

B. luminary

C. icon

D. sensation

5. Elon Musk conducted _______ surveys to assess public interest in Dogecoin.

A. Instagram

B. Facebook

C. Twitter

D. Reddit

6. Kabosu's health struggles were _______ through Instagram posts in 2022.

A. revealed

B. concealed

C. obscured

D. denied

Reading Comprehension Exercise:

Read the statements carefully and decide if they are true or false based on the article:

1. Kabosu's owner, Atsuko Sato, was a renowned actress.

 A. True

 B. False

2. Kabosu became the mascot of Dogecoin in December 2013.

A. True

B. False

3. Elon Musk conducted Instagram surveys to assess public interest in Dogecoin.

A. True

B. False

4. Despite its origins as a serious endeavor, Dogecoin amassed a dedicated following worldwide.

A. True

 B. False

Grammar Exercise:

Select the correct verb tense for each sentence:

1. Atsuko Sato _______ the passing of Kabosu on Friday.

A. announced

B. announces

C. announcing

D. will announce

2. Kabosu _______ a beloved figure in the hearts of many.

A. was

B. is

C. being

D. will be

3. Kabosu's image _______ an avalanche of "doge" memes.

A. sparked

B. sparking

C. sparks

D. will spark

4. The post on Dogecoin's official page _______ Kabosu as the community's muse.

A. hailed

B. hailing

C. hails

D. will hail

Check your Answers:

Vocabulary Exercise:

1. A. heartfelt

2. B. plethora

3. A. garnered

4. C. icon

5. C. Twitter

6. A. revealed

Reading Comprehension Exercise:

1. B. False

2. A. True

3. B. False

4. B. False

Grammar Exercise:

1. A. announced

2. A. was

3. A. sparked

4. A. hailed


  Part 1 - LISTENING LISTEN AND SELECT ( Short listening – text answer ) For this question, choose the correct answer . Read the questio...