Devotion for May 20: Psalm 118:24

Devotion for May 20: Psalm 118:24

Title: Embracing the Gift of Today

Verse: Psalm 118:24

"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."



Each day is a precious gift from God—a unique opportunity for us to experience His goodness, walk in His purposes, and find joy in His presence. In Psalm 118:24, the psalmist declares the significance of this day, emphasizing our response of rejoicing and gladness. Today, let us explore the importance of embracing the gift of today and living it to the fullest.

Embracing the Present:

As human beings, we often find ourselves dwelling in the past or anxiously anticipating the future, neglecting the beauty and significance of the present moment. However, God invites us to embrace the present—the day that He has made. It is a day full of potential, promise, and divine appointments. By shifting our focus from the past or the future, we can fully engage with the opportunities and blessings that this day holds.

A Choice to Rejoice:

In the midst of life's challenges and uncertainties, the psalmist encourages us to choose joy and gladness. Our circumstances may not always be favorable, but our joy is not dependent on them. It is a choice rooted in our trust and confidence in God's sovereignty, faithfulness, and love. By consciously deciding to rejoice, we shift our perspective from the temporal to the eternal and allow God's joy to permeate our hearts.

Gratitude in Action:

When we recognize each day as a gift from God, our hearts overflow with gratitude. Gratitude shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have received. It opens our eyes to the blessings that surround us—both big and small. Practicing gratitude enables us to live with a humble and appreciative attitude, acknowledging the goodness of our Heavenly Father and His constant provision in our lives.

Seizing Divine Opportunities:

By embracing the gift of today, we position ourselves to seize divine opportunities. God orchestrates encounters, assignments, and moments of impact in our daily lives. When we are present and attuned to His leading, we become vessels through which His love, grace, and truth can flow into the lives of others. As we actively seek His guidance and align our hearts with His purposes, we participate in the unfolding of His divine plan.


Today is a unique and irreplaceable gift from God—a day filled with His presence, purpose, and promise. Let us choose to embrace it wholeheartedly, with gratitude and joy. May we shift our focus to the present, rejoicing in the goodness of our Heavenly Father. Let us seize the opportunities He places before us, allowing His love and grace to impact those around us. As we live fully in the gift of today, we will experience the abundant life that Christ has promised us.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of today. Help us to embrace each day as a precious opportunity to experience Your presence and live out Your purposes. Fill our hearts with gratitude and joy, enabling us to rejoice in Your goodness. Open our eyes to the divine opportunities You have prepared for us and grant us the wisdom to seize them. May our lives bring glory to Your name and be a testimony of Your love and grace. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


Devotion for May 21: Colossians 3:23

Title: Working with Excellence for God's Glory

Verse: Colossians 3:23

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men."

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