CEPT PRACTICE B1 LEVEL LISTENING 1 WITH ANSWER KEY Cambridge English Placement Test B1 Level

CEPT PRACTICE B1 LEVEL LISTENING 1 WITH ANSWER KEY Cambridge English Placement Test B1 Level

Narrator: 1 What did the man do at the sports
centre yesterday?
Man: I went along to that new sports centre
yesterday evening.
Woman: Oh, yeah? Is it any good?
Man: Well, I haven’t become a member yet,
but they showed me around. It was
pretty good. I was thinking of joining
so that I could do diving lessons, but
there’s no pool. So, I don’t know.
Woman: Oh, that’s a shame. Did you try any of
the facilities while you were there?
Man: I did a quick workout in the gym at the
sports centre – the machines are great.
You’d like it ’cos they have a running
track outside.
Woman: Interesting! I’ll go and take a look.
Narrator: Now listen again.

Narrator: 2 Which sport does the woman
compete in?
Man: Are you into sport, Julie?
Woman: Yeah, I’ve loved it since I was little and
I’ve competed in a few different things.
Man: Oh, really? Do you mean in team sports?
Woman: Well, I play football, but only for fun
with my friends. I preferred baseball
when I was at school – I was quite good
at it, and I almost played in a national
tournament once. But no, I’m actually
hoping to go out to Spain to take part in
the surfing championships next month.
Man: That sounds amazing! I wish you the
best of luck.
Woman: Thanks!
Narrator: Now listen again.

Narrator: 3 Where will the friends go running
this evening?
Man: I’m not as fit as I used to be. I need to
start doing some training again.
Woman: Well, why don’t you come for a run with
me this evening after college? I usually
set off from home around six o’clock. We
could go along a path through the woods
near college. Or we could go into the
countryside, which is what I do. There’s a
path by the river – it’s more peaceful than
running through the streets, and there
are some beautiful views.
Man: Well, OK, then. Why not?
Narrator: Now listen again.

Narrator: 4 Which winter sport was Max good
at when he was young?
Woman: I’m going snowboarding next week –
have you ever tried it, Max?
Man: Not since I entered a competition
when I was a teenager. It didn’t end
well – I came last and injured my ankle!
Woman: Oh – that doesn’t sound good.
Man: Well, no, it wasn’t. I used to be one of
the fastest skiers I knew when I was
that age – my family lived in Switzerland
for a few years, so I just expected to be
good at other winter sports, too – like
snowboarding and ice hockey. But I failed
to get into the school team for that!
Woman: Really?
Narrator: Now listen again.
Narrator: 5 What did the girl lose?
Man: Good morning, Highfield Sports Centre.
Girl: Oh, hi. My name’s Charlotte. I was
playing squash at the centre yesterday.
I wonder if anyone’s found one of my
trainers? It’s got ‘Charlotte’ in it – I was
on court three with my friend. I usually
put everything in my backpack with
my racket. I’ve got one but the other
isn’t there. Fortunately, they aren’t new,
but if you could look for me, that would
be great.
Man: OK. Just let me check for you … Yes,
it’s here!
Girl: Oh, fantastic – I’ll come in later, then.
Narrator: Now listen again.

Narrator: 6 Which sports instructor is the man
going to meet today?
Man: Oh, hi, it’s David. You know we said
we’d meet at the sailing club later this
afternoon? Well, the thing is, I forgot
that I’ve already got an appointment at
the golf club. My son, Tom, is thinking
about joining so I wanted to show him
around. We’re also going to meet the
coach. I want to ask a few questions.
Tom plays a lot of football and I’m not
sure it will be easy for him to do both
sports. Can we meet another day
instead? Sorry about this.
Narrator: Now listen again.

Narrator: 7 What will open at the sports
centre soon?
Woman: Good afternoon, everybody. This is a
club news announcement. I know some
of you are already enjoying the brand
new outdoor athletics area, but if you
haven’t been there yet, do try it! I’m
sure you’re also looking forward to the
basketball competition in a few weeks
as well – don’t forget to buy a ticket at
reception if you’d like to watch. And if
you want to be one of the first people to
try out the climbing wall, come and
book a session! You’ll be able to do that
from the 31st of this month.
Narrator: Now listen again.

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  Part 1 - LISTENING LISTEN AND SELECT ( Short listening – text answer ) For this question, choose the correct answer . Read the questio...