
You hear a man telling a friend about an emai l he has received.
So tel l me exactly what happened.
Wel l, I got one of those emai ls that looked as if it
came from my bank. It said I was at risk of identity
t heft and told me I had to log on and verify my
account information. I was real ly worried.
So what did you do?
Well, I was about to reply to give them the
information they wanted, but then I thought I ought
to check with my bank first. So I rang my branch
and they said they never sent emails like this. But
it looked so realistic - it had my bank logo on it and it had links to rea l websites.
I've heard of that before. Apparently it's a very
common scam which everyone needs to be aware

You hear someone ta lking about her first
impressions of someone.
The first time I met Ben was at a party. We were
introduced to each other by Charlie, a mutual
friend, and we chatted for a few minutes - you
know, we exchanged the usual pleasantries:
'Where do you live?'; 'What do you do?'; 'How do
you know Charl ie?' - that sort of th ing. Then he
sta rted ta lking about his job - he seemed very
self-cent red and that put me off a bit, but I didn't
t hink much about it. A couple of weeks la ter, he
phoned me and asked if I'd like to meet for a
drink. I ummed and ahhed a bit and then I sa id,
'Yeah , why not?' So we met and he was real ly nice.
He even said he was sorry if he'd come over as a
bit arrogant at the party.

You hear a conversation between a young man
and an older relative.
Young man
Older man
Young man
I wonder if I could ask your advice.
Sure. How can I help?
Wel l, I'm going for a job interview next week
and I'm thinking about how to do my best.
Older man
Young man
Older man
Young man
Older man
They've already got my CV, so they know about
my qualifications, and obviously I must look
my smartest at the interview and sound as
intelligent as I can .
Do you know all about the company?
Not yet, but I'll be doing a bit of research at the
weekend so that I can ask sensible questions
about the kind of work I'd be doing if I got the
Good idea. So what are you worried about?
1 want them to see what I'm real ly like - you
know, I don't want to have to pretend to be
someone I'm not.
That's fine. Just be yourself. I'm sure they
appreciate that.

You hear someone describing how he heard about
winn ing a competition for a mobile phone.
Man Last year, J got an email telling me I'd won
a mobile phone in a competition. I cou ldn't
remember going in for a competition, but that
didn 't matter. I had to email my debit card details,
so they cou ld cha rge me for t he cost of shipping
the phone to me. Like an idiot, I made a basic
mistake by giving them my card details and the
address for the phone to be de livered to. Needless
to say the phone never arrived, but my bank
statement showed that money was being taken out
of my account.

You hear two friends talking about tennis.
Hello, Anna! Where are you going?
To play tennis, bel ieve it or not. Can't you tell
from what I'm wearing?
Well you do look as though you're going to play
something, but I didn't know you played tenn is.
I've only just started - I don't have my own
racket yet.
Well, you look very smart. We must have a game
some t ime?
Do you play tennis, then?
Yes , I do. In fact, I've been playing since I was
eleven or twelve.
Real ly? Are you a good player?
I used to be very good, but I haven't played
much recently.
Great - I'l l give you a ring t o arrange a t ime.

You hear someone ta lking about a bad experience
on a socia l networking site.
I had a pretty nasty experience on a social
networking site . It started when I got a series of
offensive messages, then whoever it was said they
were going to pass on private information about
me if I didn't give them money. At first I thought
it might be someone in my group at college, but I
didn't recognize the information on the person 's
profile . It was obviously a fake identity. I did think
about going to the po lice, but in the end I decided
to ignore the whole thing and not make a fuss.
And fortunately, after a week or two it stopped.
So, if you want my advice, you shouldn't put .
confidential information about you rself on social
networking sites

You hear a message on a telephone answering
Woman Hi, Mary! It's Al ice . I'm just ringing to say sorry
for something that happened yesterday. I was
in town doing some last-minute shopping and
someone on the other side of the road ca lled my
name. When I looked round, I didn't see anyone I
recogn ized - just a police officer and hundreds of
shoppers. Anyway, I didn 't think any more about
it. Then, about half an hour later, I was on the
bus coming home, when I suddenly remembered
- your brother Jeremy joined the po lice last year,
didn't he? It must have been him who cal led to
me, but I just didn't recognize him in his uniform.
Please apologize to him for me when you see him.
Thanks. Bye.

You hear a pol itician ta lking about his appearance.
Man If you want my opinion, I th ink appearance is very
important if you want to convince people that you
are a serious politician. That's why I always wear a
suit and tie if I'm on official business - especial ly
if I'm in a meeting, being interviewed on television,
or talking to members of the public. I know there
are politicians - especially the younger ones - who
t hink it's cool to dress down - you know jeans,
open-necked shirt and trainers, but for me that's
just too informal. Of course, at home with my ,
fami ly, I dress informally, too, but never when I m
at work. It projects the wrong image.

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  Part 1 - LISTENING LISTEN AND SELECT ( Short listening – text answer ) For this question, choose the correct answer . Read the questio...