IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions about Birthdays


IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions about Birthdays, with responses at a Band 7-8 level by CEPT Practice

How do people celebrate birthdays in your country?

In my country, birthdays are typically celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy. Family and friends come together to commemorate the special day. The celebrations often include a gathering or party, where there is food, music, games, and sometimes even a birthday cake with candles. Gifts are exchanged as a gesture of love and appreciation for the person celebrating their birthday.

Is celebrating birthdays important in your culture?

Yes, celebrating birthdays holds significance in my culture. It is viewed as an occasion to express love, gratitude, and well wishes for the person whose birthday is being celebrated. It is a time to reflect on the passing year, appreciate milestones achieved, and look forward to the future. Birthdays are often seen as an opportunity to strengthen bonds with family and friends and create lasting memories.

How did you celebrate your last birthday?

For my last birthday, I decided to have an intimate gathering with my close friends and family. We organized a small dinner party at a restaurant where we enjoyed delicious food, engaging conversations, and shared laughter. It was a delightful and memorable evening filled with warmth and love.

Do you prefer a big celebration or a small gathering for your birthday?

Personally, I lean towards small gatherings for my birthday. While big celebrations can be exciting, I find the intimacy and meaningful connections fostered in a smaller setting more fulfilling. It allows for deeper conversations, genuine interactions, and a stronger sense of togetherness. Quality time spent with loved ones holds greater value for me than the scale of the celebration.

How important do you think it is to celebrate birthdays?

Celebrating birthdays is important as it acknowledges the uniqueness and value of each individual. It is an occasion to show appreciation for their presence in our lives and to make them feel special. Birthdays serve as milestones, marking the passing of time and offering an opportunity for personal reflection and growth. Furthermore, celebrating birthdays strengthens relationships, creates joyful memories, and fosters a sense of belonging and connection within communities.

Are there any traditional birthday celebrations in your culture?

In my culture, there are certain traditional practices associated with birthdays. For example, it is common to receive blessings and well wishes from elders, who may offer prayers and shower the individual with good wishes for the year ahead. Additionally, some families may have specific customs or rituals that are performed on birthdays to bring good fortune and happiness to the celebrant.

How do you feel about getting older each year?

Getting older is a natural part of life, and I embrace it with a positive outlook. Each passing year brings new experiences, opportunities for personal growth, and wisdom. It is a chance to reflect on past achievements and set new goals for the future. While there may be certain apprehensions about the aging process, I believe that age is just a number, and the journey of life should be celebrated at every stage.

What was the most memorable birthday you have had?

One of the most memorable birthdays I have had was when my friends surprised me with a trip to a scenic location. They had meticulously planned the entire day, filled with adventurous activities, heartfelt conversations, and laughter. The experience was unforgettable, as it demonstrated the thoughtfulness and love of my friends, making it a birthday to cherish forever.

Do you think birthdays are more important for children or adults?

Birthdays hold significance for both children and adults, albeit in different ways. For children, birthdays are moments of pure joy and excitement, often marked by parties, gifts, and special treats. It is a time for them to feel loved, valued, and to create lasting childhood memories. As adults, birthdays can serve as a reminder to pause, reflect on personal growth, and celebrate achievements. They provide an opportunity for adults to connect with loved ones, strengthen relationships, and appreciate the milestones reached in their journey of life.

10 How do you think birthdays will be celebrated in the future?

The way birthdays are celebrated may evolve with changing times. With the increasing influence of technology, virtual celebrations and online interactions may become more prevalent, allowing people to connect and celebrate even when physically distant. However, I believe that the essence of birthdays will remain the same – a time to express love, create meaningful connections, and celebrate the uniqueness of individuals. Whether through traditional gatherings or innovative ways of celebration, birthdays will continue to hold a special place in our lives.


Enthusiasm - (noun) intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Sentence: The children celebrated their birthdays with great enthusiasm, eagerly participating in games and enjoying the festivities.

Significance - (noun) the quality of being important or having meaning.

Sentence: Birthdays hold deep significance in our culture, symbolizing the passage of time and the celebration of life.

Intimate - (adjective) characterized by close personal relationships or a private atmosphere.

Sentence: Sarah preferred an intimate celebration with her closest friends for her birthday, creating a cozy and warm atmosphere.

Fulfilling - (adjective) satisfying or gratifying.

Sentence: The small gathering of loved ones made Mary's birthday celebration fulfilling, as she cherished the meaningful connections and conversations.

Reflection - (noun) serious thought or consideration.

Sentence: Birthdays often prompt introspection and reflection on personal growth and achievements.

Togetherness - (noun) a feeling of closeness or unity among people.

Sentence: The small family gathering fostered a sense of togetherness and love as they celebrated the birthday.

Apprehensions - (noun) feelings of anxiety or worry about something that may happen.

Sentence: While there may be apprehensions about getting older, John maintains a positive perspective on aging.

Meticulously - (adverb) in a careful and precise manner; with great attention to detail.

Sentence: The surprise birthday party was meticulously planned, ensuring every aspect was perfect.

Thoughtfulness - (noun) showing consideration or attention for others.

Sentence: The thoughtfulness of the birthday surprise touched Lisa's heart, making it a memorable celebration.

Essence - (noun) the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something.

Sentence: The essence of birthdays lies in celebrating the uniqueness and value of each individual's life journey.

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