B1 Level Vocabulary about Education by CEPT Practice - 82 words with definition and sample sentences


B1 Level Vocabulary about Education by CEPT Practice - 82 words with definition and sample sentences

1. absent: not present or missing

- I couldn't talk to him because he was absent from work.

- Sarah was absent from school yesterday due to a fever.

2. course: a series of educational lessons or classes

- I'm taking a photography course to improve my skills.

- The history course covers various historical events and their significance.

3. language: a system of communication spoken or written by a particular group of people

- Spanish is a beautiful language with a rich cultural heritage.

- Learning a foreign language can open up new opportunities for travel and work.

4. read: to look at and understand the meaning of written or printed words

- Sarah loves to read novels in her free time.

- The teacher asked the students to read the passage aloud.

5. advanced: at a higher level of progress, complexity, or skill

- The advanced mathematics class is challenging but rewarding.

- She received an award for her advanced proficiency in the French language.

6. curriculum: the subjects comprising a course of study in an educational institution

- The school offers a diverse curriculum including math, science, and arts.

- The curriculum for the history class covers various periods and civilizations.

7. learn: to acquire knowledge or skill through study, experience, or teaching

- Children learn best through hands-on activities and interactive lessons.

- He decided to learn how to play the guitar over the summer break.

8. register: to officially enroll or sign up for a course, program, or event

- Students need to register for the physics class before the semester begins.

- Please register your name at the front desk for the workshop.

9. arithmetic: the branch of mathematics dealing with numbers and their operations

- Basic arithmetic skills are essential for everyday calculations.

- The teacher explained different arithmetic techniques to solve the problem.

10. degree: an academic title or qualification awarded upon completion of a program of study

- She earned a bachelor's degree in psychology from a renowned university.

- To pursue a career in engineering, a master's degree is often required.

11. lesson: a unit of teaching or instruction, usually within a course or subject

- The teacher prepared an interactive lesson on the solar system.

- Each music lesson lasts for 45 minutes and includes both theory and practice.

12. remember: to retain information in one's memory

- I always have trouble remembering people's names.

- The mnemonic device helped her remember the order of the planets.

13. art: creative expression or skill in various forms such as painting, drawing, or sculpture

- The museum displayed a collection of modern art.

- Sarah has a natural talent for art and often participates in local exhibitions.

14. desk: a piece of furniture with a flat or sloping surface for writing, reading, or working

- He organized his books and stationery on the desk for easy access.

- The student sat at his desk and listened attentively to the teacher.

15. level: a point or position on a scale of intensity, difficulty, or advancement

- The difficulty level of this math problem is quite high.

- She completed the beginner level and progressed to the intermediate class.

16. rubber: a small eraser used to remove pencil or ink marks

- Can I borrow your rubber? I made a mistake in my notes.

- The teacher handed out rubbers to the students during the exam.

17. beginner: a person starting to learn or do something for the first time

- The swimming class is designed for beginners with no prior experience.

- The beginner's guide to coding provides step-by-step instructions for novices.

18. dictionary: a book containing words of a language alphabetically arranged with their meanings

- If you don't know the meaning of a word, you can look it up in

 the dictionary.

- The teacher encouraged the students to use a dictionary to expand their vocabulary.

19. library: a place where books, magazines, and other resources are stored for reading or borrowing

- The library has an extensive collection of novels, reference books, and academic journals.

- She spent the afternoon studying in the quiet corner of the library.

20. ruler: a straight, flat strip of material marked with units for measuring length or drawing straight lines

- He used a ruler to draw a straight line on the paper.

- The teacher measured the length of the blackboard using a ruler.

21. bell: a signaling device typically used to indicate the beginning or end of a class or break

- The bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch break.

- The teacher rang the bell to gather the attention of the students.

22. diploma: a document or certificate awarded by an educational institution upon completion of a program

- She proudly displayed her diploma on the wall of her office.

- To pursue higher education, a high school diploma is usually required.

23. mark: a symbol or sign indicating the quality or correctness of something, often represented by a grade or score

- He received an excellent mark on his science project.

- The teacher asked the students to put their marks in the top right corner of the paper.

24. school: an institution for educating children or adults

- The school has a strong focus on STEM subjects.

- She attends a boarding school in the countryside.

25. biology: the scientific study of living organisms and their vital processes

- The biology class conducted an experiment to observe the growth of plants.

- He has a deep interest in marine biology and hopes to become a marine biologist.

26. drama: a genre of literature or performance involving conflict and emotion

- The school organized a drama club where students could showcase their acting skills.

- She wrote a short play for the drama competition.

27. mathematics: the study of numbers, quantities, shapes, and their relationships using logical reasoning

- Mathematics plays a fundamental role in various scientific and engineering disciplines.

- The math teacher explained the concept of fractions using visual aids.

28. science: a systematic study of the natural world based on observation, experimentation, and evidence

- The science fair showcased innovative projects from students across the region.

- The teacher introduced the scientific method as a way to approach problems.

29. blackboard: a large, typically rectangular board coated with a smooth, dark surface for writing with chalk

- The teacher wrote important equations on the blackboard for the students to copy.

- They erased the previous day's notes from the blackboard to make space for new material.

30. economics: the study of how individuals, businesses, and societies allocate scarce resources to satisfy unlimited wants

- The economics class analyzed supply and demand curves to understand market behavior.

- She pursued a degree in economics to gain insights into global economic systems.

31. math(s): short for mathematics, used in some regions as an alternative term

- Sarah prefers studying math over other subjects.

- The students were assigned a set of math problems for homework.

32. secondary: relating to education following primary or elementary school, usually for teenagers

- He is in his final year of secondary school and preparing for college entrance exams.

- The secondary education system emphasizes a broader range of subjects.

33. board: a flat, rigid surface typically used for displaying information or writing with chalk or markers

- The teacher wrote the daily schedule on the board.

- The notice about the upcoming event was pinned on the bulletin board.

34. elementary: relating to the first stage of compulsory education, usually for young children

- The elementary school provides a nurturing environment for young learners.

- The teacher introduced basic math concepts to the elementary class.

35. music school

: an educational institution specializing in music instruction and performance

- She attends a prestigious music school to receive formal training in piano.

- The music school offers a variety of programs, including vocal training and music theory.

36. book: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together, usually with a protective cover

- She borrowed a book from the library to research her history project.

- He enjoys reading fiction books in his leisure time.

37. essay: a short piece of writing on a particular subject, often presenting an author's personal perspective

- The students were assigned to write an essay on the importance of environmental conservation.

- She received high praise for her thought-provoking essay on social inequality.

38. nature: the physical world and its phenomena, including plants, animals, landscapes, and natural forces

- The field trip allowed the students to explore and appreciate the beauty of nature.

- She finds solace in spending time in nature and enjoys hiking in the mountains.

39. studies: the act or process of acquiring knowledge or skill through systematic instruction or research

- He devotes several hours each day to his studies to excel academically.

- The professor's groundbreaking research contributes to the field of gender studies.

40. student: a person who is enrolled in an educational institution or engaged in learning

- The student raised her hand to ask a question during the lecture.

- He is a diligent student who always submits his assignments on time.

41. bookshelf: a piece of furniture with horizontal shelves for storing books

- Her bookshelf is filled with a wide variety of novels, textbooks, and reference books.

- He organized his books neatly on the bookshelf for easy access.

42. geography: the study of the Earth's physical features, climate, populations, and regions

- The geography class explored various landforms and their formation processes.

- She enjoys studying maps and learning about different countries in geography.

43. note: a brief record of something written down to aid memory or for future reference

- He took meticulous notes during the lecture to review later.

- The teacher handed out study notes summarizing the main points of the chapter.

44. break (time): a period of time during which a person rests or engages in leisure activities

- The students eagerly awaited the lunch break to socialize with their friends.

- She took a short break to stretch her legs and grab a cup of coffee.

45. history: the study of past events, particularly in human affairs

- The history class delved into the causes and consequences of World War II.

- She enjoys reading historical fiction novels that bring history to life.

46. notice: a written or printed announcement or piece of information

- The notice on the bulletin board informed students about the upcoming school play auditions.

- She read the notice from the principal about the change in the school schedule.

47. board: a group of people who manage or direct an organization, institution, or company

- The school board discussed budget allocations for the upcoming academic year.

- The board of directors made strategic decisions to expand the company's market presence.

48. study (v): to devote time and attention to acquiring knowledge or skill

- She set aside two hours every evening to study for her exams.

- They gathered in the library to study together for the upcoming test.

49. break up: to end a session, term, or academic year

- The school will break up for summer vacation next week.

- The students celebrated as the final bell rang, signaling the break-up of the school year.

50. handwriting: the style or manner in which a person writes with pen or pencil

- Her handwriting is neat and legible, making it easy to read her notes.

- The teacher praised his improved handwriting and attention to


51. pencil: a slender cylindrical instrument used for writing or drawing, usually with graphite or colored lead

- She sharpened her pencil before starting the math problems.

- He used a pencil to sketch the outline of the landscape.

52. case: a container or protective covering for storing or transporting items

- She keeps her pens and pencils in a pencil case to keep them organized.

- He carried his laptop in a protective case to prevent damage.

53. subject: a particular area of study or knowledge in a curriculum

- The science subject covers a wide range of topics, including biology, chemistry, and physics.

- He chose music as his elective subject for the semester.

54. certificate: an official document attesting to a particular fact or achievement

- She received a certificate of achievement for her outstanding performance in the mathematics competition.

- The workshop participants were awarded certificates of participation.

55. homework: tasks or assignments given to students to be completed outside of regular class time

- The teacher assigned a lot of homework over the weekend.

- She spent several hours doing her homework before taking a break.

56. photography: the art, process, or practice of creating images using a camera

- He enrolled in a photography course to enhance his skills in capturing captivating images.

- She has a passion for wildlife photography and enjoys capturing animals in their natural habitats.

57. teach: to impart knowledge or skills to someone through instruction or example

- The teacher used interactive activities to teach the students about scientific concepts.

- He decided to teach English as a second language in a foreign country.

58. chemistry: the branch of science dealing with the composition, properties, and reactions of substances

- The chemistry lab is equipped with various chemicals and equipment for experiments.

- She enjoys conducting experiments and observing chemical reactions in her chemistry class.

59. information: knowledge or data that is communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance

- The internet provides a vast amount of information on a wide range of topics.

- The students gathered information from multiple sources to write their research papers.

60. physics teacher: an educator who specializes in teaching physics

- The physics teacher explained complex concepts using real-world examples.

- He sought guidance from his physics teacher to understand the principles of motion.

61. class: a group of students who are taught together

- The math class meets every morning at 9 a.m.

- She is the class representative and responsible for communicating important information to her peers.

62. instructions: detailed directions or guidelines on how to do or perform something

- The teacher provided clear instructions on how to complete the science experiment.

- She followed the instructions carefully to assemble the model airplane.

63. practice (n): repeated exercise or application of a skill or knowledge to improve proficiency

- Regular practice is crucial for mastering a musical instrument.

- The students had a practice session before their upcoming basketball game.

64. technology: the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry and commerce

- The school invested in advanced technology to enhance the learning experience.

- She is studying computer technology and hopes to work in the software development industry.

65. classroom: a room where classes or instruction take place

- The classroom is equipped with desks, chairs, a whiteboard, and a projector.

- The teacher decorated the classroom with educational posters and artwork.

66. intermediate: at a level of knowledge, skill, or progress between beginner and advanced

- The intermediate French class focuses on improving conversational skills and grammar.

- He completed the beginner level and progressed to the intermediate level of piano lessons.

67. practise (v): to perform an activity or exercise repeatedly to improve one's skill or proficiency

- She practices the piano for an hour every day to refine her technique.

- The basketball team gathers every evening to

 practice their shooting and passing.

68. term: a fixed or limited period during which an educational institution holds classes

- The school year is divided into three terms: fall, spring, and summer.

- The final exams are scheduled at the end of each term.

69. clever: quick to understand, learn, or devise something intellectually challenging

- He is a clever student who excels in problem-solving.

- The teacher recognized her clever solution to the math puzzle.

70. coach: a person who trains, instructs, and motivates individuals or teams in a particular sport or activity

- The basketball coach taught the players various strategies and techniques.

- She sought the guidance of a vocal coach to improve her singing skills.

71. instructor: a person who provides guidance, instruction, or education in a particular field or subject

- The yoga instructor led a relaxing meditation session for the students.

- He is an experienced driving instructor who teaches defensive driving techniques.

72. IT: short for Information Technology, referring to the use and application of computer systems and networks

- The IT department manages the school's computer network and provides technical support.

- He pursued a career in IT and works as a software engineer.

73. primary school: an educational institution where children receive their first stage of formal education

- In many countries, primary school typically includes grades 1 to 6 or 1 to 8.

- She has fond memories of her primary school days and the friendships she made.

74. project: a planned and organized effort to achieve a specific goal or outcome

- The students collaborated on a group project to build a functioning model of a solar-powered car.

- She presented her research project at the science fair and received positive feedback.

75. test: an assessment or evaluation of knowledge, skills, or understanding, often in a formal written or practical form

- The students prepared for the math test by reviewing past assignments and practicing problems.

- She felt nervous before the chemistry test but was relieved to find it easier than expected.

76. university: an institution of higher education that offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs

- He received a scholarship to attend a prestigious university to study engineering.

- The university campus has state-of-the-art facilities, including research laboratories and libraries.

77. college: an educational institution that typically offers undergraduate degrees or vocational training

- She enrolled in a community college to pursue a degree in business administration.

- The college provides a range of courses in arts, sciences, and professional programs.

78. know: to possess knowledge, understanding, or familiarity with something

- She knows multiple programming languages and enjoys solving coding challenges.

- He is well-read and knows a lot about various historical events.

79. pupil: a student, especially a young child in primary or elementary school

- The teacher observed the pupils' progress and provided individualized support.

- The pupils were excited to go on a field trip to the zoo.

80. composition: a written work, typically an essay or piece of prose, on a particular subject

- She received a high grade on her English composition about the importance of education.

- The students were assigned to write a composition describing their favorite vacation destination.

81. laboratory (lab): a controlled environment equipped for scientific experiments, research, or analysis

- The chemistry lab has specialized equipment for conducting experiments safely.

- He spent hours in the computer lab working on his programming assignments.

82. qualification: an official recognition or proof of a person's ability, skill, or knowledge in a particular field

- She obtained a teaching qualification by completing a Bachelor of Education degree.

- The job advertisement listed specific qualifications and experience requirements.

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