Devotion for June 1: Psalm 23:1


Devotion for June 1: Psalm 23:1

Title: The Lord Is My Shepherd

Verse: Psalm 23:1

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want."



Psalm 23 is one of the most well-known and beloved passages in the Bible. It paints a beautiful picture of the Lord as our shepherd, guiding, protecting, and providing for us. In the very first verse, we are reminded of the profound truth that the Lord is our shepherd, and as His sheep, we shall lack nothing. Today, let us explore the significance of this metaphor and how it can bring comfort, assurance, and hope to our lives.

The Lord, Our Shepherd:

The imagery of the Lord as our shepherd holds deep meaning. In biblical times, shepherds played a vital role in caring for their sheep. They led them to green pastures for nourishment, guided them to still waters for refreshment, protected them from predators, and diligently watched over their well-being. Similarly, the Lord fulfills all these roles in our lives. He leads us to places of spiritual nourishment, provides us with rest and peace, protects us from harm, and watches over us with unwavering love and care.

I Shall Not Want:

The declaration, "I shall not want," is a powerful affirmation of our trust and dependence on the Lord. It does not mean that we will never experience challenges or lack in our lives. Rather, it reminds us that in our relationship with God, we have all we truly need. When the Lord is our shepherd, we lack nothing essential for our well-being. He satisfies our spiritual hunger, quenches our thirst for righteousness, and meets our deepest longings. We can find contentment and peace in Him, knowing that He provides abundantly for His beloved sheep.

Assurance and Comfort:

As we meditate on the Lord as our shepherd, we find assurance and comfort in His presence. Just as a shepherd is intimately acquainted with each sheep in their flock, the Lord knows us intimately. He knows our joys and sorrows, our strengths and weaknesses, and He walks with us through every season of life. We can take refuge in His guidance, knowing that He goes before us and prepares the way. We can find solace in His protection, knowing that He guards us from the enemy's schemes. In the midst of uncertainty, we can trust in His provision, knowing that He will never leave us lacking.

Hope and Trust:

The metaphor of the shepherd and sheep also reminds us of the hope and trust we can have in the Lord. Sheep inherently rely on their shepherd for guidance and sustenance. In the same way, we are called to trust in the Lord and follow His lead. As we surrender to His guidance and walk in obedience to His Word, we can have confidence that He will lead us to green pastures and restore our souls. We can trust that He will guide us through the valleys and lead us to the mountaintops. With the Lord as our shepherd, we can face each day with hope, knowing that He is faithful to fulfill His promises and provide for all our needs.


Psalm 23:1 reminds us of the profound truth that the Lord is our shepherd. In Him, we find guidance, protection, provision, and an abundance of love and care. As we trust in Him, we shall not want. Today, let us take comfort in the presence of our shepherd and surrender our lives to His leading. May we find contentment, assurance, hope, and trust as we walk in the confident knowledge that the Lord is our shepherd, and we are His beloved sheep.


Dear Lord, thank You for being our shepherd. We find comfort, assurance, and hope in Your loving care. Help us to trust in Your guidance and provision, knowing that we lack nothing in Your presence. Lead us to green pastures, refresh our souls by still waters, and protect us from harm. May we walk in the assurance that You are always with us, leading us in the paths of righteousness. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Devotion for June 2: Proverbs 16:3

Title: Commit Your Plans to the Lord

Verse: Proverbs 16:3

"Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established."

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