Devotion for June 20: Psalm 62:8


Devotion for June 20: Psalm 62:8

Title: Finding Rest in God

Verse: Psalm 62:8 (KJV)

"Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah."



In our fast-paced and demanding lives, finding true rest and peace can be a challenge. Psalm 62:8 reminds us of the importance of trusting in God at all times and pouring out our hearts before Him. Let us explore the significance of this verse and discover the refuge and rest that can be found in God alone.

Trust in Him at All Times:

In every season of life, during moments of joy or trial, we are called to trust in God. Trusting in Him means placing our confidence, hope, and reliance on His unfailing love and faithfulness. It involves surrendering our fears, worries, and anxieties, knowing that He is in control and will work all things for our good. Trusting in God at all times allows us to find stability, peace, and assurance in His unwavering presence.

Pour Out Your Heart Before Him:

God invites us to pour out our hearts before Him. He longs for us to be honest and vulnerable in our relationship with Him, sharing our deepest joys, sorrows, hopes, and fears. Pouring out our hearts before God involves bringing our prayers, desires, and struggles to Him in complete transparency. It is an act of trust and surrender, knowing that He listens, understands, and cares for us deeply.

God is a Refuge for Us:

In the midst of life's storms and challenges, God is our refuge. He is a safe haven where we can find shelter, strength, and comfort. When we feel overwhelmed, burdened, or weary, we can run to Him and find rest. In His presence, we are protected, refreshed, and renewed. God's refuge is not temporary or fleeting; it is a constant source of strength and peace that we can always rely on.


Here are some practical ways to find rest in God:

Practice trust: Cultivate a habit of trusting in God in all circumstances. Remind yourself of His faithfulness and promises. Choose to rely on Him rather than your own understanding.

Pour out your heart in prayer: Take time to pour out your heart before God in prayer. Share your joys, concerns, dreams, and struggles with Him. Be open and vulnerable, knowing that He hears and cares for you.

Seek refuge in His Word: Find solace and encouragement in God's Word. Meditate on His promises and let His truth strengthen and comfort your soul. Allow His Word to guide and direct your thoughts and actions.

Rest in His presence: Carve out moments of stillness to rest in God's presence. Seek solitude and quietness, free from distractions. In these moments, seek His peace and allow Him to rejuvenate your weary soul.


In a world that often leaves us feeling restless and weary, we can find true rest and refuge in God. By trusting in Him at all times and pouring out our hearts before Him, we discover a deep sense of peace, assurance, and strength. Let us embrace the invitation to find rest in God and experience the refuge He provides.


Heavenly Father,

We trust in You alone. Help us surrender our worries and find rest in Your loving care. Guide us, provide for us, and increase our faith in You. Use us as vessels of Your love and grace. In Jesus' name, amen.

Devotion for June 21

Verse: "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" - Psalm 27:1

Title: Finding Courage in God's Presence

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