Devotion for June 7: John 14:27


Devotion for June 7: John 14:27

Title: Peace I Leave with You

Verse: John 14:27

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."



In a world filled with turmoil and uncertainty, Jesus offers us a gift that surpasses all understanding: His peace. John 14:27 reminds us of the peace that Jesus promises to leave with us, a peace that is unlike anything the world can offer. Today, let us delve into this verse and discover the profound peace that Jesus desires for us to experience.

Peace I Leave with You:

Jesus begins by declaring, "Peace I leave with you." As He prepared to depart from His disciples, Jesus wanted to ensure that they would not be left in despair or turmoil. He desired to leave them with a lasting gift—the gift of His peace. This peace is not transient or dependent on circumstances but is rooted in the unchanging character of Jesus Himself.

My Peace I Give unto You:

Jesus emphasizes that the peace He gives is unique and distinct from the peace the world offers. The peace of the world is often fleeting, based on external factors, and easily disrupted. In contrast, Jesus imparts His own peace, which flows from His divine nature. It is a peace that transcends circumstances, calms the troubled heart, and provides a deep sense of security and well-being.

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled:

Jesus lovingly instructs His disciples, and by extension, us, to not let our hearts be troubled. He recognizes the struggles, fears, and uncertainties we face in life. However, in the midst of it all, He assures us that His peace is available to us. When we encounter troubles, anxieties, or challenges, we can turn to Him, finding solace and strength in His abiding peace.

Neither Let It Be Afraid:

Fear has a way of gripping our hearts and paralyzing us. But Jesus encourages us not to be afraid. His peace dispels fear and replaces it with a deep sense of trust and assurance in Him. When we fully grasp the peace He offers, fear loses its power over us. We can face the uncertainties of life with courage, knowing that Jesus is with us and His peace guards our hearts.


John 14:27 reminds us of the precious gift of peace that Jesus offers us. It is a peace that surpasses the world's understanding, a peace that calms our troubled hearts and casts out fear. Today, let us receive and embrace this gift of peace that Jesus desires for us to experience. May His peace guard our hearts and minds, enabling us to navigate life's challenges with courage and confidence.


Dear Lord, I thank You for the gift of Your peace. In a world filled with turmoil and fear, I turn to You for true and lasting peace. Help me to fully receive and embrace Your peace, knowing that it surpasses all understanding. Calm my troubled heart and strengthen me to face the challenges before me. Thank You for being my source of peace and security. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Devotion for June 8: Psalm 119:105

Title: Guided by the Light of God's Word

Verse: Psalm 119:105

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

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