IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions about Books by CEPT Practice


IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions about Books, with responses at a Band 7-8 level by CEPT Practice

1 Do you enjoy reading books?

Yes, I thoroughly enjoy reading books. For me, reading is not just a hobby but a means of exploration, knowledge acquisition, and personal enrichment. It allows me to delve into different worlds, perspectives, and ideas, broadening my horizons and sparking my imagination.

2 What kinds of books do you like to read?

I have a diverse range of reading interests. I particularly enjoy literary fiction, as it offers deep insights into human nature and explores complex themes. I am also drawn to historical fiction, as it combines storytelling with a glimpse into different time periods. Additionally, I find non-fiction books on topics like psychology, science, and philosophy intriguing, as they expand my understanding of the world.

3 How often do you read books?

I make a conscious effort to incorporate reading into my daily routine. Although the frequency may vary depending on my schedule, I aim to read at least a few chapters or dedicate a set amount of time each day to engage with a book. This regular reading practice allows me to consistently explore new ideas and embark on literary journeys.

4 Where do you usually read books?

I find solace in reading books in quiet and cozy environments. My favorite reading spot is a comfortable armchair near a window, where I can bask in natural light and enjoy a peaceful atmosphere. I also appreciate reading in libraries and bookstores, as the ambiance and the presence of fellow book lovers create an immersive reading experience.

5 Do you prefer physical books or e-books?

While I appreciate the convenience of e-books, I have a strong preference for physical books. Holding a book in my hands, feeling the texture of the pages, and smelling the unique scent of paper and ink evoke a sense of nostalgia and a deeper connection with the author's words. Moreover, physical books adorn my bookshelves, serving as a reminder of the literary journeys I've embarked upon.

6 Have you ever borrowed books from a library?

Absolutely! I have borrowed countless books from libraries throughout my life. Libraries are treasure troves of knowledge and offer a wide variety of books across genres. Borrowing books from libraries not only allows me to indulge in my reading passion without incurring significant costs but also supports the accessibility and availability of literature for the wider community.

7 What is the most memorable book you have read?

It is challenging to select just one book as the most memorable, as I have encountered numerous books that have left a profound impact on me. However, if I were to choose, "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee stands out as a truly remarkable and thought-provoking novel. Its exploration of racial injustice, compassion, and the loss of innocence resonated deeply with me and sparked important conversations about societal issues.

8 Do you think it is important for children to read books?

Undoubtedly, reading books is immensely important for children's development and education. Books expose children to new vocabulary, improve language skills, and enhance their imagination and creativity. Additionally, reading helps children develop critical thinking, empathy, and a broader worldview. It lays the foundation for lifelong learning and encourages a love for literature and knowledge.

9 How has technology affected reading habits?

Technology has undoubtedly influenced reading habits in various ways. E-books and audiobooks have made reading more accessible, allowing readers to carry an entire library in their pockets and listen to books on the go. However, the digital age has also introduced distractions and shortened attention spans, making it important for readers to consciously prioritize focused reading and maintain a healthy balance between screen time and book reading.

10 Would you recommend books as gifts? Why?

Absolutely! I highly recommend books as gifts. Books have the power to inspire, educate, and entertain, making them meaningful and personal presents. They allow the recipient to embark on a literary adventure, explore new ideas, and engage with different perspectives. Moreover, books can create lasting memories and serve as cherished possessions, symbolizing the bond between the giver and the receiver.


diffuse (v.): to spread or scatter widely; to disperse.

Sample sentence: The aroma of freshly brewed coffee diffused through the room, enticing everyone with its rich scent.

ambiance (n.): the mood or atmosphere of a place.

Sample sentence: The cozy café had a warm ambiance, with soft lighting and soothing music playing in the background.

incur (v.): to become subject to or bring upon oneself (something undesirable, such as costs or expenses).

Sample sentence: By overspending on unnecessary items, she incurred a significant amount of debt.

profound (adj.): having deep meaning or significance.

Sample sentence: The professor's lecture on existentialism left a profound impact on the students, challenging their perspectives on life and existence.

resonate (v.): to evoke a strong or positive feeling or response.

Sample sentence: The song's lyrics resonated with her personal experiences, bringing back memories and emotions.

immeasurably (adv.): to an extent that cannot be measured or calculated.

Sample sentence: The support she received from her family during the difficult times was immeasurably valuable.

foundation (n.): the basis or groundwork of something.

Sample sentence: Education lays the foundation for personal growth and success in various aspects of life.

imagination (n.): the faculty or action of forming new ideas or images in the mind.

Sample sentence: Children's books often encourage imagination, allowing young readers to envision magical worlds and fantastical creatures.

critical thinking (n.): the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue or situation, leading to a reasoned judgment.

Sample sentence: Developing critical thinking skills enables individuals to approach problems in a logical and analytical manner.

accessibility (n.): the quality of being easily reached, entered, or used.

Sample sentence: The ramp and elevators in the building improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities.

consciously (adv.): with deliberate awareness or intention.

Sample sentence: She consciously made an effort to reduce her carbon footprint by recycling and using public transportation.

prioritize (v.): to determine the order or importance of tasks, goals, etc.

Sample sentence: To manage her time effectively, she learned to prioritize her assignments based on deadlines and importance.

maintain (v.): to keep in a particular condition, position, or level.

Sample sentence: It's important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine for overall well-being.

cherished (adj.): greatly loved and valued.

Sample sentence: The old photo album held cherished memories of her childhood and family gatherings.

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